Many moons and years ago, I was invited to an indoor Aboriginal / Shamanic gathering which was unusual as most were always held outside in nature. But this day, the room quickly brewed a circle of many people buzzing about, including some elder spiritual teachers and several global Shaman. Our teaching that day focused on the self, building discipline and what my shaman friend and I eventually deemed, “A Path of Two Fires,”(™) 🔥🔥( You will find this course coming in the future 2025 of MetafizzAura Academy )
Amid the many hours of oral tradition and teachings, a thought formed in my mind that captivated my attention all that day. I eagerly awaited a break to introduce myself to a specific elder so I could ask this “all important” burning question. 🌟
Finally free to move around, I caught up to the chief with the knowledgeable brown eyes. As we chatted, I posed my question. He simply looked back at me, smiling warmly, without speaking. This went on for a few moments. I was caught off guard, confused. I repeated myself and it yielded the same response. Though disappointed my question went unanswered, I returned to the circle, musing on the momentary strangeness of it all. 🤔
The rest of that day and the following one, were incredibly inspirational. Feeling sure footed, I shared my peculiar experience and my question with my shamanic friend as well. He, too, just smiled back at me. It felt like I was missing some essential piece of this communication puzzle. The spiritual mentors were acting so mysterious !
Six months after that gorgeous ceremony when I found myself preoccupied back in my worldly world, my phone rang. It was my shaman friend, "The elder would like to invite you to join him now. He's ready to answer your question.”
“ Say WHAAAT?,” I exclaimed. "Are you even kidding me?" "No," he gently replied.
The next week, I traveled to a lovely place outside in nature where I was welcomed and tasked with filling a basket with cedar leaves, smoke gazing, helping move some grandfather rocks and sitting still during six hours of oral tradition teaching learning about the history of wild rice. Not meaning to, but I fell asleep during much of the teaching. Then, after a long afternoon, and at least 3 unscheduled snoozes, finally, the elder answered the question I had posed six months prior.
When I arrived back home, I shared my updated story with my shaman friend. I asked why I might have had to sit through 6 hours on a teaching about wild rice in order to obtain a 15 minute answer to my 6 month old question. I was a bit perturbed and perplexed. “oh,” my shaman friend said “ the teaching was no doubt a gift to you for asking your question.” I simply said “ I see “ even though I didn’t see at all in that moment. It would take me several years into the future to “see” as well as understand the great wisdom and beauty that had actually taken place in all of that exchange.
Short Lessons Of Long Story:
From now on, I’ll stay awake during any oral tradition teachings. Then, I will rush home to write down as much as I can remember.
And as I sit here in my office, preoccupied with how to get my instagram content out, what time to schedule it and why Ive not managed to post for 2 weeks…I have to stop, call myself back to myself for a moment and take a stand. We live in a society of immediate gratification, often unaware that we neglect the in-between pauses of life. What an amazing gift that elder gave to me by waiting 6 months to answer my question. He’d gone on a shamanic journey of the spirit on my behalf, to locate my answer and he gave me testimonial of it during our talk. In my conditioning from upbringing, my small mind could not have fathomed that that is what took place between the time I’d last seen him until the time my invitation came. The unseen had been busy working for me all along,
I truly believe we are all being breathed by something larger than ourselves …an innate brilliance which channels through each of us on its own pulse. You cannot rush spiritual unfoldment.
We're not machines, and neither should our spiritual advice be cookie-cutter. Take time to explore questions deeply, perhaps by visiting inspiring places like fire circles or lakesides. Remember there is revealed knowledge, instinctive knowledge, oral tradition knowledge, learned knowledge and so on. Knowledge comes in many forms. And not all knowledge is wise.
Always avoid rigid methods that may stifle your intuition. Instead, trust your inner guidance—it knows the way.
Let's support our metaphysical communities and mindfulness facilitators to innovate beyond common convention. Stretch your self with methods that present themselves to you, like singing messages to your client, veiling your eyes during meditative psychic sessions, or meeting clients in multiple sessions instead of cramming everything into one hour. These instinctive practices you feel pulled to follow today, may reveal their larger purposes in time, often aligning with ancient traditions or even newly emerging mystical energies on the planet.
💫 Final Thought:
You are the master of your path. Deliver readings and content with intention and authenticity. Trust your intuition and nourish your spirit regarding the timing and expression of how you deliver your readings.
Have a magical October!

#SpiritualJourney #AncestralWisdom #PsychicInsights #EmbraceYourPath #SacredKnowledge #ShamanicWisdom #MetafizzAura