Summon ( Sue ) Sadowski
Brick & Mortar Reading Parlour Address:
116 King St. W. / Suite B
Dundas, ON L9H 1V2
Sun Sign:
Fun Side Of She / Her
Summon is a self admitted magically minded-metaphysics addict who has been studying mysticism, psychics, shamanism, root doctors, paranormal, occult sciences and all things esoteric, for her entire life. She has tarot cards with her wherever she goes ( the grocery store, the dentist office, while traveling ) and never tires of reading for people or drumming up interesting conversations when the cards come out.
Summon has had some rather fierce wisdom teachers appear in her life and has traversed esoteric dimensions not known to most people. She’s been professionally working as a psychic and tarot reader since miniskirts were in fashion and she whole heartedly believes that it is very important that people are able to discern truth from illusion and hear their own inner directives using intuition as their guiding light. Her bliss is helping others discover, uncover and foster their own psychic-intuitive super powers.
Summon has several areas of passion, teaching, writing, esoteric books and academics. She is an avid preserver of vintage books and hopes to save as many friends in old libraries as she can before the entire dimension is digital.
Her psychic specialty expresses itself in a variety of ways : obtaining visions, scrying with crystal balls, tarot card divination, old world spirit communicators , mediumship and medical clairvoyance. She is forever joyfully tapping into hidden mysteries within metaphysical worlds.
1976- 1992
1993 - 2009
Connecticut New England Metaphysics Guild & eastern seaboard evolution of New Age facilities, parapsychology, psychic seeing & psychic development, energy healing, inner child healing, Edgar Cayce, Spiritualist Baptist Church, tarot & esoteric arts, fortune tellers, cone raising, manifestation magic, biblical & ministry studies with The Way Ministry
Shamanism, Celtic magic, Energy medicine, Applied Kinesiology,
1st & 6th Nations ceremonies, teaching metaphysics, adult education in psychic / intuitive development , lucid dreaming, Theosophical Society studies, Obtained Munay Ki rites - 4 Winds Society
2010 - 2024
Occult sciences, enchantment magic, folklore magic, Angels Lore, African magic, Old world spiritism, Psychic reading, hypnotism, magnetism, alchemy, conjure and root doctor studies. Mediumship studies via Zoom outreach with Arthur Findlay Trainer, Donna Baker